Health Benefits Fruit does a lot of things for the body
- It reduces weight and prevents weight gain
- It reduces the risk of diseases brought on by obesity, such as diabetes mellitus and heart disease, and protective effects increase as the consumption of fruit increases.
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower blood glucose levels
- Prevents dyslipidemia
- It reduces the rate of death due to all causes
How Does Fruit Reduce Body Weight?
Many mechanisms have been suggested for the anti-obesity effect of increasing fruit consumption:
- Reduced caloric intake because of the low fat content and the high water and fiber content of most fruits
- Producing a feeling of fullness, which reduces overall food intake and meal frequency, by the gelling of dietary fiber within the gut, and the prolonged digestion process of fruit means that satiety receptors are occupied for a longer duration.
- Providing micronutrients and vitamins, which are negatively associated with weight gain by reducing gene expression in relation to fat cell production and maturation
- Phytochemicals such as resveratrol, proanthocyanidins, catechins, caffeic acid, and the like are potent anti-oxidants that suppress fat cell formation and storage.
- Undigested fruit fiber provides a vital substrate for gut microbiota to feed upon, to produce changes in the relative proportions of various bacterial groups, increasing the number of Bacteroides and Actinobacteria (abundant in lean people) but reducing Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, which are found in obese individuals.
Acting via these numerous pathways, fruit succeeds in both reducing total energy intake and maintaining satiety.
This, in turn, leads to a net lowering of สมัคร ufabet fat stores (especially central) by their utilization within the body for daily energy and metabolic needs, reducing body mass. In addition, its nutrient composition favors adipocyte non-differentiation and reduces obesity.
Apples and pears are consistently associate with risk reductions in many types of disease. Notably, these contain 6% fructose and less than half that amount of sucrose. The fructose is mostly ferment within the colon because it is not well absorb. The resulting increase in short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production is of great value in many metabolic and physiological processes.
The few trials that support a pro-obesity effect of fruit have often failed to distinguish natural. And process fruit forms and usually confine to a specific age group or category, in contrast to the numerous population-base trials confirming its anti-obesity activity. A single trial suggest that an overly high consumption of high-GI fruits during. The second trimester led to increased rates of gestational diabetes. Still, the authors recommend further study to confirm and examine the findings. Another trial show increased body mass with increased fruit intake at dinner time. It is yet to confirm that fresh fruit carries such a risk rather than preserve or juiced fruit.